Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not Again!! Yes it is!

Good Morning!

Here I am in just a little over a week and I am posting again. Thank you to a new year. Life is taking many different turns for all of us I am sure. This semester will take me and my family for many new ones that is for sure. Let me explain.
This is the last semester of my "baby" girl & her senior year. For all of you at Life Tab, yes believe it or not Kathy is graduating from high school in about 4 months from now. WOW!! When we arrived she was 9 years old. FYI - that is the age that Howie is now. Another WOW!! I am sure that many of those out in blogland have had children grow up, get older and so forth. This is just different but it is fun.

So,we have Kathy with graduation and her next step approaching and then we have Howie not only doing Bible Quizzing but also taking electric guitar lessons. Still yet another WOW!! As you have heard & seen from other fellow bloggers, the quiz team did GREAT on Saturday. I am so proud of all of them. I am amazed again at what the children can and do learn. Let them continue to hide it in their heart.

Now, guitar lessons we are working on becoming as much as a habit and priority as learning those verses. Right now, it is tough and the guitar is almost as big as him but he will work thru it. It is cute to watch him strap it on and start playing what he knows. He is learning to read music at an early age. By the time Kathy finishes with her schooling Howie could well be accomplished and then putting them together to praise & worship. I am expecting great things from them both!!

Well, I have officially written a second post and made it to the rambling stage but wait I can not forget to say this: PRAYER WORKS!!!! Always remember that and also God has everything in HIS CONTROL!!

Have a great day and I will post some pics later.

Until then - enjoy living for the Lord.


Mandy said...

I ditto all the WOWs. I am soo happy for you and your family on all it's new endeavors. I know God has and always will have you all in His hands. You're a wonderful family with much to offer to His Kingdom. Keep putting things in your kids because there will come a day that what you have put in there through good training and hard work will come out in their work for His glory!!! Love you and congratulations to Kathy and Howie!

Karla said...

I ditto the WOWs, too! So many things happening and so much to watch the 'kids' accomplish. Great post. Love you!

Karen Prince said...

I enjoyed your post...don't let this stop! LOL! Yes, life is constantly changing. Imagine how boring for everything to stay the same! Congrats to Kathy & Howie. I can't wait to hear Howie play the guitar!

Keith and Carla said...

Amazing how fast time flies!!! I can't believe Kathy will be graduating. Tell Howie to keep on practicing - Taylor has been taking for about 8 mos. now, and I can say she is doing quite well. He will be able to use his talent for God.

Enjoyed your post!

Michelle said...

Great post! You have some wonderful children!

Tammy Bryant said...

Thanks to each of you for your post. I appreciate and so does each child all the support & prayers each of you have given on our behalf. All is appreciated!

I know we all will look back at these days and say where did they all go, many times over!!